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The Grand Panorama Block 2

Building Details

Spacious has 1 properties in The Grand Panorama Block 2 嘉兆臺2座, 10 Robinson Road, Mid Levels Central.
View up to date listing photos and use our search filters to find the perfect property for sale or rent in Mid Levels Central.

Spacious has 1 properties in The Grand Panorama Block 2 嘉兆臺2座, 10 Robinson Road, Mid Levels Central.
View up to date listing photos and use our search filters to find the perfect property for sale or rent in Mid Levels Central.

Features & Facts

Address : 10, Robinson Road
Club House
Pet Friendly
Latest transactions and listings in The Grand Panorama Block 2

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Transactions 1-Mth
Price per Sqft 1-Mth
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  • 6M
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  • 3Y
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Recent Transactions

Transaction Date Price Area Price per Sqft Floor Flat
2023-09-18 HK$21.00M 1295/1014 Sqft HK$20,710 20 Floor D
2023-08-22 HK$22.28M 1269/972 Sqft HK$22,922 30 Floor C
2023-05-18 HK$24.00M 1295/1014 Sqft HK$23,669 29 Floor D
2023-04-21 HK$16.25M 1052/814 Sqft HK$19,963 24 Floor B
2023-01-03 HK$12.00M 1052/814 Sqft HK$14,742 30 Floor B
2022-04-20 HK$15.30M 1052/814 Sqft HK$18,796 9 Floor B

Market Snapshot

Sales Snapshot

Rental Snapshot

Public Transport

Central MTR Station (0.5 km)
Hong Kong MTR Station (0.8 km)
Sheung Wan MTR Station (0.8 km)