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Building Details

Hong Kong Parkview (Chinese: 陽明山莊) is the largest private housing estate in Tai Tam, Hong Kong. It is located at Mount Nicholson, Wong Nai Chung Gap, with the east of Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park. Its three sides are surrounded by Tai Tam Country Park. It consists of 18 blocks opened in 1989 by Chyau Fwu

Hong Kong Parkview (Chinese: 陽明山莊) is the largest private housing estate in Tai Tam, Hong Kong. It is located at Mount Nicholson, Wong Nai Chung Gap, with the east of Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park. Its three sides are surrounded by Tai Tam Country Park. It consists of 18 blocks opened in 1989 by Chyau Fwu

Features & Facts

Address : 88, Tai Tam Reservoir Road
Building Age : 35 Year(s) (1989)
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