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MOUNT NICHOLSON Sold At $104,803/sqft, AVA55 Received 80 Subscriptions

Hong Kong Property | November 9, 2016

MOUNT NICHOLSON Sold At $104,803/sqft
The latest cooling measures have little effect on Hong Kong’s luxury property market. 4 units of Mount Nicholson at the Peak were sold yesterday, with average price at HK$92,252 per square foot. One single buyer, who is a first time buyer who have saved about HK130 million in double stamp duty, spent over HK$1.2 billion to buy 3 of the sold units. The highest price per saleable square foot is HK$104,803.

AVA55 Received 80 Subscriptions
MT Sisters Limited will put on sale a total of 72 units of its AVA55 project in Ma Tau Kok this Friday. Sources claimed that 80 subscriptions have been received. Meanwhile, Seven Victory Avenue in Ho Man Tin launched 5 additional flats yesterday and they will be put on sale this Saturday.

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