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Tai Koo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East)

Building Details

Spacious has 4 properties in Tai Koo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) 太古城 海景花園(東), 2-10, Taikoo Wan Road.
View up to date listing photos and use our search filters to find the perfect property for sale or rent in Tai Koo Shing.

Spacious has 4 properties in Tai Koo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) 太古城 海景花園(東), 2-10, Taikoo Wan Road.
View up to date listing photos and use our search filters to find the perfect property for sale or rent in Tai Koo Shing.

Features & Facts

Address : 2-10, Taikoo Wan Road
Club House
Latest transactions and listings in Tai Koo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East)

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Recent Transactions

Transaction Date Price Area Price per Sqft Floor Flat
2023-12-13 HK$9.00M 1029/922 Sqft HK$9,761 3 Floor E
2023-11-30 HK$21.20M 1237/1114 Sqft HK$19,031 24 Floor H
2023-11-09 HK$15.48M 1029/922 Sqft HK$16,790 6 Floor D
2023-10-05 HK$19.50M 1237/1114 Sqft HK$17,504 17 Floor A
2023-07-25 HK$15.40M 983/897 Sqft HK$17,168 21 Floor F
2023-06-28 HK$15.60M 1029/922 Sqft HK$16,920 9 Floor D

Market Snapshot

Sales Snapshot

Rental Snapshot

Public Transport

Tai Koo MTR Station (0.5 km)
Sai Wan Ho MTR Station (0.6 km)
Joint KMB & NWFB