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Home Ownership Scheme in Tai O

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All HOS Buildings in Tai O
Building Name Address Building Age Units
Transactions 1-Mth
Price per Sqft 1-Mth
loading /Sqft
  • 6M
  • 1Y
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Recent Transactions
Transaction Date Building Name Price Area Price per Sqft Floor Flat Building Age
2023-06-08 Tin Lee Court HK$2.17M N/A HK$0 GROUND Floor 4 29
2023-06-07 Tin Lee Court HK$2.90M 0/0 Sqft HK$0 3 Floor 3 29
2022-06-14 Tin Lee Court HK$2.30M 0/481 Sqft HK$4,782 11 Floor 3 29
2022-04-20 Tin Lee Court HK$2.28M 0/485 Sqft HK$4,701 1 Floor 8 29
2021-11-29 Tin Lee Court HK$2.95M 0/481 Sqft HK$6,133 7 Floor 3 29
2021-08-25 Tin Lee Court HK$2.75M 0/481 Sqft HK$5,717 6 Floor 2 29
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